Professional ethics. Analysis from the Ecuadorian psycho-legal practice.
Nowadays, where the word corruption is commonly linked to the lack of ethical and moral values, as well as to the overflowing desire of human beings to have more than to be, many of us hope for an awakening, in the light of ethics and conscience, because we know that in the midst of so much structural violence something is not right in society.
In this sense, the professional work of the expert psychologist is not free from being corruptible, even more so when there is a lack of theoretical underpinnings that can support or guide the work in the forensic field. Thus, Puhl et .al (2023, p.67) state:
The expert psychologist must be governed by principles common to all professional ethics: respect for the individual, protection of human rights, sense of responsibility, honesty, prudence in the application of instruments and techniques, professional competence, solidity in the objective and scientific basis of his/her interventions.
With this article we hope to generate self-criticism in the professional expert psychologist, so that in the light of ethical principles they are motivated to generate significant social learning, based on the discovery of their critical knots, with the commitment to improve them in order to make progress in this aspect and achieve psycho-legal interventions that do not respond to personal biases or prejudices but to a more objective, more technical and obviously ethical perspective. It is worth mentioning here what Macias (2022) wrote about ethics: "it is an exercise that takes place within each person and it is within each person that his or her actions are judged" (Macias 2022, p.58). (Macias 2022, p.58).
Métricas alternativas
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