The crime of illegal logging in the Madre de Dios Region: legal framework and experiences in the Peruvian jungle

Keywords: crime of ilegal logging, Peruvian amazon, forests, land degradation, sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems


This article discusses the crime of illegal logging and its scope in the Peruvian Amazon by analyzing the natural and social environment and the exploitation of natural resources, especially timber, as a source of income. It also discusses problems such as the growth of migratory agriculture, illegal economic activity, illegal mining and logging, species trafficking, unplanned infrastructure expansion and the negative effects of climate change. It reviews the regulatory framework, the legal treatment of logging and other related crimes, their development and their normative typicity, and discusses the significant progress made in the fight against this danger, the efforts made at the State strategy level, the coordination and collaboration between the numerous institutions that fight illegal logging, their limitations and shortcomings.


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How to Cite
Becerra Urbina, R. E. (2023). The crime of illegal logging in the Madre de Dios Region: legal framework and experiences in the Peruvian jungle. Environmental Justice. Journal of the Peruvian Judiciary Specialising in Environmental Protection, 3(4), 15-46.
Research Articles