30 years of reform of the justice system and economic rationality

Judicial systemen reform and economic rationality

  • Oscar Sumar Universidad Cientifica del Sur
  • Thalia Zúñiga Universidad San Martín de Porres
Keywords: Judicial system, reform, economic incentives


The Peruvian justice system has been reformed for more than 30 years. However, the most relevant indicators do not seem to have improved. In this article, we attribute this failure to the approach of the reforms, which have been based on the election of judges and prosecutors; organization of the justice system; procedural aspects; and, for the most part, they have constituted “meta-reforms”, where previous reforms have been reviewed again and solutions similar to those already known have been given, with the hope that - this time - they will be well implemented. Based on the above, we propose that the reform of the justice system be carried out incorporating the economic or market perspective, in order to align the incentives of judges and prosecutors with those of society.


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How to Cite
Sumar, O., & Zúñiga, T. (2024). 30 years of reform of the justice system and economic rationality. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 16(22), 319-337. https://doi.org/10.35292/ropj.v16i22.936
Research Articles