The criminal procedural program in the 19th century constitutions: A brief historical review of the jury trials in Peru

  • Diego Alonso Noronha Val Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Keywords: Criminal procedural program, constitution, guarantees, juries.


The criminal process is built upon the Constitution. The legal regulation assigned to it is not independent but inevitably emerges from the foundational norm of the State. It is precisely in this instrument that the framework of general principles is captured, from which specific rules governing the criminal process in a nation are derived. In Hispanic-American doctrine, this theoretical core is referred to as the "Constitutional Criminal Procedural Program," while in Portuguese, it is called the "Criminal Procedural Constitution." It originated in the 1980s with the constitutional paradigm shift of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and was subsequently debated in Peru with the 1993 Constitution. In this sense, it is logical that there are no research works specifically aimed at analyzing the historical criminal procedural program in national Constitutions. With this work, we aim to explore a portion of the criminal procedural program that emerged during the 19th century in Peru, with a special emphasis on the institution of trial by jury, which was scarcely addressed by national doctrine due to its ineffective implementation during that era. This text does not seek to provide a comprehensive analysis but rather an approach to the concepts of the Constitutional Criminal Procedural Program and trial by jury, allowing for the dissemination of its research and historical analysis.


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How to Cite
Noronha Val, D. A. (2024). The criminal procedural program in the 19th century constitutions: A brief historical review of the jury trials in Peru. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 16(22), 373-410.
Research Articles