The concept of public oficial in Criminal Law

Keywords: Criminal law, public official, de facto official, de facto public official, official crimes, usurpation of functions.


This article discusses the concept of public official in criminal law, which content and scope are central topics of contemporary legislation. Modern criminal theory has develop a concept of public official which is autonomous. It’s not limited to the parameters of labor administrative law and which, in Peru, has been reflected in art. 425 of the Criminal Code. There are two central components of the concept of a public official for criminal purposes, the enabling title for entry into public administration and the performance of the public service. From this point of view, it discusses the problem of determining the moment in which public status is acquired in cases of officials by popular election. Finally, the present investigation research in detail the problem of the ' facto public official '. About this problem, we propose the illegitimacy of the concept because it don’t have legal regulation; for that reason, we only admit the case of public officials with irregular title.


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How to Cite
Pariona Arana, R. B. (2024). The concept of public oficial in Criminal Law. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 16(22), 293-317.
Research Articles