Do the plea of inadmissibility of the action and the dismissal of the action regulate the same assumptions of application? Analysis of their application in the intermediate stage

Keywords: exception of inadmissibility of action, dismissal, preparatory research, intermediate stage, elements of conviction or proof


The purpose of this article is to analyze the application of the exception of inadmissibility of the action in the intermediate stage and its collision with the assumption of dismissal regulated in paragraph b of numeral 2 of article 344 of the Procedural Code.

The study will have as a starting point the old criminal procedural regime applied in the Republic of Peru, to then consider comparative regulations of other countries, some of them with an accusatory-guarantist influence regarding the application of the punitive penal process, such as the Chilean Procedural Code of 2002, the Colombian Code of Criminal Procedure of 2004, the Argentinean Code of Criminal Procedure of 2014, the 1998 Code of Criminal Procedure of Paraguay, the 2000 Code of Criminal Procedure of Ecuador, the 2001 Organic Code of Criminal Procedure of Venezuela, the 1999 Code of Criminal Procedure of Bolivia, the 1998 Code of Criminal Procedure of Costa Rica, the 1998 Code of Criminal Procedure of El Salvador, the 2008 Code of Criminal Procedure of Panama and the 2002 Code of Criminal Procedure of Honduras.

Subsequently, a description is made of the essential notes of the exception of inadmissibility of action and dismissal from the point of view of doctrine and jurisprudence, to finally compare the assumptions of application of both institutions and arrive at the respective conclusions for a better understanding of them.


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Author Biography

Richard Alexander Cabrera Villa, Corte Superior de Justicia de Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Perú.

Richard Alexander Cabrera Villa, estudiante egresado del colegio Marista Cristo Rey de Cajamarca, obtuvo el grado de bachiller en Derecho y Ciencia Política y el título de abogado en la Universidad Privada Antonio Guillermo Urrelo, casa de estudios en la cual también obtuvo el grado de magíster en Derecho Penal y Criminología. Desempeñó funciones como asistente de juez superior, especialista judicial de juzgado y administrador del Módulo Penal Central de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Cajamarca, como juez supernumerario del Juzgado Mixto de Bambamarca, juez supernumerario del Primer Juzgado de Investigación Preparatoria de Cajamarca y del Juzgado de Investigación Preparatoria de Celendín. Actualmente, se desempeña como juez supernumerario del Segundo Juzgado de Investigación Preparatoria de Cajamarca.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Villa, R. A. (2024). Do the plea of inadmissibility of the action and the dismissal of the action regulate the same assumptions of application? Analysis of their application in the intermediate stage. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 16(21), 239-291.
Research Articles