Legal regulations of subordinated work rendered by free men in ancient Rome

Keywords: Roman law, locatio conductio operarum, employment


With the aim of dismissing the mistaken idea of some lawyers and judges that the right to work and employment was born in Ancient Rome, hereinbelow we shall explain the subordinated labor regulations that existed in Romulus’s homeland, affirming that the historical birth of the right to work must not be sought in Roman Law but in the protective laws that, for certain types of employees, arose as a result of the Industrial Revolution.


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Álvarez-Correa, Eduardo (1980). Curso de derecho romano. Bogotá: Pluma.

Campos Rivera, Domingo (2003). Derecho laboral. 7.a edición. Bogotá: Temis.

Herrera Paulsen, Darío y otro (1999). Derecho romano. Lima: Editorial Gráfica Horizonte.

Justiniano (1995). Instituciones. Lima: Cultural Cuzco.

Petit, Eugéne (1983). Tratado elemental de derecho romano. Buenos Aires: Albatros.

Silva Vallejo, José Antonio (2013). Nueva historia general del derecho. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Alas Peruanas.

How to Cite
Arévalo Vela, J. (2019). Legal regulations of subordinated work rendered by free men in ancient Rome. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 10(12), 17-26.
Research Articles