La inteligencia artificial en la justicia: Protocolos para la presentación y valoración de prueba digital obtenida mediante IA
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into criminal law marks a significant progress with broad implications for the management of digital evidence in judicial proceedings. AI provides tools that can improve the efficiency, quality and transparency of criminal justice, while also raising ethical and legal challenges that need to be addressed with caution. Indeed, the incorporation of AI algorithms and systems can contribute to establishing more objective and consistent criteria in decision-making. It is vitally important to thoroughly analyze the ethical and legal implications of integrating AI into the criminal process, ensuring the safeguarding of fundamental rights and respect for the presumption of innocence. Since the protection of individual rights and the responsibility of automated systems are critical elements that must be considered when establishing a clear regulatory framework governing the use of artificial intelligence in the criminal process. AI algorithms must also follow basic principles such as "in dubio pro reo", and judges must have the ability to deviate from AI recommendations if they adequately justify their decisions, maintaining a balance between automation and judicial discretion. It is essential to understand that AI is not intended to replace the work of the human judge, but rather, to complement it as a support resource to ensure effective and equitable justice in the digital age.
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