The technological means of proof in the Peruvian labor process

Keywords: technology, test, labor process, fundamental rights


This report analyzes the nature and characteristics of technological evidence, as well as its regulation in the Peruvian labor process. At the same time, the different digital sources from which this evidence can be extracted are studied, such as e-mail, the Global Positioning System (GPS), labor video surveillance, social networks, among other technological systems that are used on the occasion of labor contracts. Also, the admission of such means of evidence will be analyzed, and whether it is possible to exercise the right of contradiction through the raising of evidentiary issues. Finally, it will be analyzed whether there is a coalition between the exercise of the right to prove through technological evidence and other fundamental rights of the worker or employer.


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How to Cite
Quispe Agipe, R. A. (2021). The technological means of proof in the Peruvian labor process. The Review of Procedural Labor Law, 3(3), 145-166.
Research Articles