Historia del derecho en Latinoamérica. Transición a la República
The present article offers an exhaustive analysis of the legal evolution in the transition from colonies to independent republics in the region. It delves into the challenges and conflicts inherent to this process, including the struggle for autonomy, the consolidation of political and organizational systems, along with the reconfiguration of legal structures bequeathed by colonialism. In addition, crucial moments are highlighted such as the emergence of new nations, the consolidation of institutions that improved the application of law in said societies. Likewise, persistent tensions and challenges are explored, such as corruption, judicial inefficiency, and the search for equality and social justice. This study provides a solid foundation to understand the current situation of law in Latin America, anchoring in the history of law during the transition to the republic. Likewise, it offers pertinent reflections on the future of the legal system in the region, rooted in the historical lessons learned during this crucial period of political and legal transformation.
Métricas alternativas
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