Orality, Electronic Judicial Expedient and videoconference: The role of the Civil High Courts in the quarantine’s times and the COVID-19 outbreak

Keywords: orality, High Courts, Judicial Power, justice, videoconference


The conception of the Civil High Court has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. This approach represents the new vision of the jurisdictional labor. The globalization process and the recent rules derived from the «Consejo Ejecutivo del Poder Judicial» have had created a new form of the legal practice in the High Courts. This change enforced diversity values, for example: the celerity process, the person’s right to defense and the due legal process.


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How to Cite
Alegre Valdivia, J. (2020). Orality, Electronic Judicial Expedient and videoconference: The role of the Civil High Courts in the quarantine’s times and the COVID-19 outbreak. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 11(13), 483-506. https://doi.org/10.35292/ropj.v11i13.56
Articles on the administration of justice and COVID-19