The legal qualification of the criminal complaint: problems and alternatives

  • Ana María Revilla Palacios Poder Judicial, Lima Perú
Keywords: Criminal action, Criminal complaint, Order to open investigation, Accusatory model, Legal determination of facts, Control of legality, Iura novit curia


The deficiencies in filing a criminal complaint, supported by the order to open investigation, lead to the subsequent annulment of the case after a lengthy process. Therefore, it becomes urgent that the competent authority duly justifies his examination and determinations, which although the Government Attorney General’s Office is responsible for criminal prosecution, it is the judge’s responsibility to control legality, and in this sense, assessing if the facts identifying the criminal actions are contained in the document containing criminal prosecutions. If so, the pertinent legal grounds should be indicated without changing the facts. This will contribute to eliminate excessive costs and the sensation of unpunishment derived from such technical deficiency flaws


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How to Cite
Revilla Palacios, A. M. (2020). The legal qualification of the criminal complaint: problems and alternatives. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 5(5), 195-205.
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