The analysis of the Contest of Competence No. 18-2004. Interpretation and application of the law under the Constitution and the American Convention on Human Rights

  • Susana Ynes Castañeda Otsu Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima Perú
Keywords: Litigation of Competition, American Convention of Human Rights, Military Court Jurisdiction.


The present article analyzes and interprets the Litigation of Competition relapse in the N° 18-2004 File, explaining its ends with
normative character, referred to the reaches of the military jurisdiction and the notion of function of the members of the Armed Forces and the National Police of Peru


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How to Cite
Castañeda Otsu, S. Y. (2020). The analysis of the Contest of Competence No. 18-2004. Interpretation and application of the law under the Constitution and the American Convention on Human Rights. Revista Oficial Del Poder Judicial, 2(2), 79-101.
Research Articles