Los alcances del bien común en la jurisprudencia constitucional peruana
Un examen de compatibilidad entre los aportes John Finnis y el Tribunal Constitucional Peruano
This investigation seeks to examine whether the idea of common good developed in the Peruvian Constitutional Court jurisprudence is compatible with the notion of “common good” developed by John Finnis. As a starting point, through an axiological review, we will establish what Finnis's concept of the common good is, who, based on a rereading of the Aristotelian-Thomistic postulates, offers a broad vision of the matter with clear specifications in practical behavior. political and legal. Then, we will focus on a dogmatic review of the concept of political common good and its most relevant relationships based on the scope of Peruvian constitutional jurisprudence; finally, evaluating whether it is possible to establish the compatibility of these two notions, with the purpose of clarifying and expanding the jurisprudential postulates from the criteria developed by the author to be discussed.
Métricas alternativas
Finnis, J. (1983). Fundamental of Ethics. Georgetown University Press.
Finnis, J. (1992a). Ley natural y derechos naturales, (Tr. Cristóbal Orrego) Abeledo-Perrot.
Finnis, J. (1992b). Absolutos Morales: Tradición, Revisión y Verdad (Tr. Juan José García Norro). EIUNSA.
Finnis, J. (1996). Is Natural Law Theory Compatible with Limited Government? En George R. P. (ed.), Natural Law, Liberalism, and Morality. Clarendon Press.
Finnis, J. (1998) Aquinas: Moral, Political and Legal Theory. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2001). Reason, Faith and Homosexual Acts, The Catholic Social Science Review VI, 61-69
Finnis, J. (2011a). Introduction. En Finnis, J., Human Rights & Common Good, Collected Essay: Volume III. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011b). Duties to Oneself in Kant. En Finnis, J., Human Rights & Common Good, Collected Essay: Volume III. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011c) Limited Government. En Finnis, J., Human Rights & Common Good, Collected Essay: Volume III. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011d). Sex and Marriage: Some Myths and Reasons. En Finnis, J., Human Rights & Common Good, Collected Essay: Volume III. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011e). Virtue and the Constitution. En Finnis, J., Human Rights & Common Good, Collected Essay: Volume III. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011f) War and Peace in the Natural Law Tradition. En Finnis, J., Human Rights & Common Good, Collected Essay: Volume III. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011g). Law, Universality and Social Identity. En Finnis, J., Intention & Identity, Collected Essay: Volume II. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011h). Law as Coordination. En Finnis, J., Philosophy of Law, Collected Essay: Volume IV. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011i). Commensuration and Public Reason. En Finnis, J., Reason in Action, Collected Essay: Volume I. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2011j). Pornography. En Finnis, J., Reason in Action, Collected Essay: Volume I. Oxford University Press.
Finnis, J. (2017) Aquinas and Natural Law Jurisprudence. En Duke, G., & George, R. P. (eds.). The Cambridge companion to natural law jurisprudence. Cambridge University Press.
Finnis, J. (2020) The Nature of Law. En Tasioulas, J.(ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Law. Cambridge University Press.
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