The principle of equality of arms in the notification of the response in the abbreviated labor proceedings of the New Labor Procedure Law

Keywords: process as a system of guarantees, principle of equality of arms, object of the notification, role of the judge, labor process


The purpose of this article is to analyze the provision contained in article 49, paragraph 1), of the New Labor Procedure Law, regarding the moment in which the judge delivers the copy of the answer and its annexes to the plaintiff, granting him/her a prudential time to review the evidence, and also regarding the possible affectation to the principle of equality of arms. Based on this approach, we intend to discuss the scope of the principle of procedural equality and the role of the judge in the labor process.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Meza, L. (2021). The principle of equality of arms in the notification of the response in the abbreviated labor proceedings of the New Labor Procedure Law. The Review of Procedural Labor Law, 4(4), 163-175.
Research Articles