The fundamental right to enjoy a balanced and adequate environment as an imponderable right

Keywords: fundamental right to enjoy an environment, weighting, paradigmatic case


This article deals with the demonstration of the impossibility of using the method of weighting in the paradigmatic cases known by the Peruvian Constitutional Court to resolve conflicts between the fundamental right to enjoy a balanced and adequate environment for the development of the life of the person and other fundamental rights, values or principles that are associated with these. There is a need to resort to other alternatives of application or analysis in the light of the current normative and interpretative theory, in order to promote or try to guarantee the protection of that fundamental right.


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How to Cite
Coraje Águila, D. A. (2023). The fundamental right to enjoy a balanced and adequate environment as an imponderable right. Environmental Justice. Journal of the Peruvian Judiciary Specialising in Environmental Protection, 3(3), 15-49.
Research Articles