Citizen environmental participation in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Peru

Keywords: citizen participation, fishing and aquaculture sector, social conflicts


The duty to make citizen participation in environmental matters effective is an obligation that transcends the three levels of government of the Peruvian State. Citizen participation in strategic sectors, such as electricity, mining and hydrocarbons, is regulated, considering that numerous social conflicts arise in these sectors; however, there are some important economic subsectors for the country in which citizen participation has not been regulated, we are referring to fishing and aquaculture. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the regulation of citizen participation for fishing and aquaculture activities within the framework of the SEIA in order to address and avoid social conflicts.


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How to Cite
Ramos Huaytalla, B., & García Castillo, R. (2022). Citizen environmental participation in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Peru. Environmental Justice. Journal of the Peruvian Judiciary Specialising in Environmental Protection, 2(2), 13-30.
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