Violence and discrimination against trans women in Perú and the fundamental rights to health, housing and work

Keywords: violence, discrimination; health, gender, housing and work of trans women


The main objective of this article is to demonstrate that violence and discrimination against trans women in Peru, violates the fundamental rights to health, housing and work of these people, where it would eventually be possible to reduce violence and discrimination with gender change, on your National Identity Document. The methodology used was based on documentary, legal and jurisprudential analysis. Regarding the results of the article, the fundamental rights to health, housing and work stand out; In this sense, the trans person undergoing a sexual reassignment, their physical change is notorious, and therefore the change of gender in their National Identity Document is necessary, so that they agree not only in their physical appearance, but also emotionally, socially, culturally and above all in the way in which they identify socially with the National Identity Document, it generates rejection, violence and discrimination by not allowing them to change their gender. Concluding that, in our Peruvian society, there is a heteronormative ideology that leads to rejection and limits the enrichment of our legal system, compared to other countries, which is why it is recommended to implement an administrative procedure in RENIEC, so that trans women, without further formalities and upon request, the gender change is made on their DNI.


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Author Biography

Víctor Raúl Jesús Ramírez Bernal, Corte Superior de Justicia de Huánuco, Huánuco, Perú.

Víctor Raúl Jesús Ramírez Bernal es un abogado peruano que se graduó y tituló en la Universidad de Huánuco. Cuenta con estudios concluidos en la maestría de Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Se desempeña como magistrado del Juzgado Civil de Monzón de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Huánuco. En el año 2023, publicó el artículo denominado “La violencia y discriminación de la persona trans en la Sentencia Azul Rojas Marín vs Perú”. Colaborador de la revista Ius Vocatio de la Corte de Huánuco.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Bernal, V. R. J. (2024). Violence and discrimination against trans women in Perú and the fundamental rights to health, housing and work. Ius Vocatio, 7(9), 159-189.
Research Articles