Ne bis in idem as a blurred principle in national criminal case law

Keywords: ne bis in idem, private jurisdiction, common jurisdiction, punitive administrative process, legal security, legal interests


Upon analyzing the diversity and multiple number of punitive procedures and processes existing in Peru, in the not so hypothetical case that a case or fact has been aired, administratively at first, concluding in a disciplinary sanction and, in the private jurisdiction (military) subsequently, and consequently in the ordinary or common jurisdiction, in view of the existence of procedural accusatory mechanisms, it is possible for a person who committed an offense to be punished and for the same fact to be subject to an administrative disciplinary process and other proceedings of a restrictive criminal and ordinary criminal nature. In this scenario, the ne bis in idem principle is a basic guarantee in every punitive proceeding and that only admits one possibility of a second process, through the review of a judgment, since the purpose of said process is to preserve the need to consolidate a right and the principles such as the one being investigated, to avoid any injustice. Hence, this principle seeks to make sure that a State governed by the rule of law dispel uncertainty and to maintain a legal security and respect for the citizen and his dignity as a fundamental basis of the State itself and its social organization.


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How to Cite
Melgar Cucho, J. L. (2022). Ne bis in idem as a blurred principle in national criminal case law. Ius Vocatio, 5(5), 71-95.
Research Articles