The Brasilia’s Rules for youth in jail: application of the Brasilia’s Rules trough the crime responsibility restricted for youth secluded in site Peruvian jails
The objective of this article is to analyze the application of the Brasilia’s Rules through the crime responsibility restricted for young people between eighteen to twenty-one years old. In such a way that it could contribute to reduce the excessive population in site Peruvian jails and guarantee the human rights for them. Therefor will present the theoretical development and some jurisprudence about Brasilia’s Rules, crime responsibility restricted; statistics made by the Instituto Nacional Penitenciario about criminal population and the jurisprudence made by the Constitutional Court of Peru about the excessive population in site Peruvian jails. Those help to understand the importance to applicate the Brasilia’s Rules to eradicate vulnerable conditions for young people in site Peruvian jails. That through the use of a legal tool such the crime responsibility restricted and some change in the rule help to reduce the excessive population in the Peruvian jails in harmony with the human rights of people private of them freedom.
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