Influence of John Grisham's novels on the law student
As a law student progresses through the semesters of his career, he also identifies with the branch of law in which he plans to specialize. Particularly, those who like Criminal Law find interest in detective literary novels or so-called black humor, in which there is a death, a robbery or any crime to unravel. Thus, this work aims to explain how the famous novels (all best sellers) by John Grisham generate such a passion in university students that, although the author did not intend it, he has generated it as a consequence. For this study, from the long literary production, four of them have been taken into account, of which famous phrases or situations worthy of analysis are cited. And while it is true that emphasis is placed on the student's inclination towards these novels, it is also true that once graduated, it is Literature that accompanies or should accompany the professional development of the lawyer, according to the branch of Law in which he works specialized.
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