The false justification test

Keywords: circumstantial evidence, evidence of false justification, problem of evidence of false justification, formation of evidence of false justification, active defence, right of defence


The main characteristic of unlawful acts is that the perpetrator seeks their secrecy; in this sense, it is important to obtain few means of evidence to reveal the act directly. In this context, circumstantial evidence is a key element in uncovering the illegal act and its perpetrator. Within the framework of inductive reasoning, several indicia have been formulated, one of which stands out because it allegedly undermines the right of defence of the accused. We refer to the indicia of false justification, which is established when the defendant’s alibi is shown to be false and this aspect is used against the defendant.


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How to Cite
Cruz Del Carpio, I. (2023). The false justification test. Ius Vocatio, 6(7), 65-78.