Gender approach in the peruvian justice system and the rights of women victims of family violence

Keywords: gender approach, compensation of rights, family violence victims, principle of material equality and non-discrimination, Judicial District of Apurímac


Gender stereotypes are analyzed within a Peruvian criminal process referred to crimes of family violence, that is, injuries due to family violence and assault against women and members of the family group, in order to establish or not the compensation of the rights of the victims, who are generally women, and obtain a comprehensive view of the social phenomenon based on the principle of material equality and non-discrimination, as well as the effects of stereotypes in the administration of justice, all this in the Judicial District of Apurímac.


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Arena, F. J. (Coord.) (2022). Manual sobre los efectos de los estereotipos en la impartición de justicia. Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación.

Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República (2019). Acuerdo Plenario n.° 04-2019/CIJ-116. Lima: 10 de septiembre de 2019.

Priori, G. (2019). El Proceso y la Tutela de los Derechos. Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

How to Cite
Dongo Esquivel, H. M. (2022). Gender approach in the peruvian justice system and the rights of women victims of family violence. Ius Vocatio, 5(6), 75-85.
Research Articles