Judicial populism or a wise measure to speed up the proceedings for failure to provide family assistance? The proposal to grant civil judges the competence to open criminal proceedings against defaulting parents

Keywords: Constitution, Legislative reform, Civil maintenance proceedings, Criminal proceedings, Family assistance


This article reflects, from a constitutional and procedural pers-pective, on the proposal of Dr. Duberlí Rodríguez Tineo (2018) regarding reform to grant civil judges criminal jurisdiction, so that, in the same court, they process the civil proceeding, esta-blish the pension, and these are empowered to open the criminal proceeding to parents who fail to comply with their economic obligation. This innovation aims to lighten the procedural bur-den of the criminal courts of the 35 Superior Courts of Justice of the country and, thereby, restore the confidence of judicial users in the Judiciary.


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How to Cite
Gómez Vargas, Ángel. (2018). Judicial populism or a wise measure to speed up the proceedings for failure to provide family assistance? The proposal to grant civil judges the competence to open criminal proceedings against defaulting parents. Ius Vocatio, 1(1), 55-76. https://doi.org/10.35292/iusVocatio.v1i1.433
Research Articles