The right to dignity and the principle of vulnerability when sheltering victims of human trafficking

Keywords: right to dignity, principle of vulnerability of the human, person and human trafficking


This article addresses how the right to dignity and the principle of vulnerability of the human person have been transgressed within the process of sheltering victims of human trafficking, emphasizing that rescuing them implies the first contact they have after of having experienced a series of denigrations and serious violations of their most basic fundamental rights, understanding that trafficking has different types, however, in the sexual type, the victims are those who have a very deep self­depreciation, because in a period of time. They were not treated as human beings, since the shelter of these victims is the first connection with the community and especially trust in the institutions that work to fight human trafficking, this can prevent them from returning with their aggressors for the manipulation experienced and collaborate in the criminal process to sentence the accused, unfortunately, many times and he treatment they receive by the institutions continues to show them devaluation and deplorable conditions, where a real contrast is not created to become aware of being a subject of rights. Being covered in this article, how the interoperability of the State to house victims of trafficking has failed to the point of violating their dignity.


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How to Cite
Borda Zorrilla, L. E. (2023). The right to dignity and the principle of vulnerability when sheltering victims of human trafficking. Revista Llapanchikpaq: Justicia, 5(7), 91-111.
Research Articles