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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

  1. Mission

Publish unpublished and original articles that are the result of studies and research on legal issues related to Human Rights and the Brasilia Rules.

  1. Section of the magazine

Magazine For all of us: Justice includes the following section:

– Research articles

  1. Features for submitting articles and reviews

3.1. Articles must meet the following requirements:

– Be original.

– Be unpublished.

– They should not simultaneously apply to other journals or editorial bodies.

– Articles must present the main title in both Spanish and English, as well as an abstract/abstract (10 lines maximum) and a minimum of five keywords, all in both languages. Under the title you must indicate the name of the author, the name of the institution to which he belongs, his institutional email address and his ORCID researcher code (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, in Spanish Open Identifier for Researcher and Collaborator).

– Articles must be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, with space and a half spacing, with the following margins: top and bottom 2.5 cm and left and right 2.5 cm. Articles will have a minimum length of 15 pages (6,000 words) and a maximum of 30 (12,000 words).

– If the articles include graphics, photographs, figures or book covers, the images must have a minimum resolution of 600 KB and have their respective legend.

– Foreign words or phrases should only be in italics, without quotation marks, or bold, or underlined.

3.2. For reviews, the maximum length will be four pages and they must have the complete bibliographic data of the reviewed material (author, title, city, publisher, year and number of pages). In addition, the image of the cover of the reviewed book must be sent.

3.3. The authors of the texts are responsible for the content and comments expressed, which do not necessarily coincide with the editorial direction of the journal.

3.4. Those interested in publishing in the magazineFor all of us: Justicethey must submit their article by clicking on the "Submit an article" tab on the journal's website, in order to be evaluated by the blind peer review system.

3.5. MagazineFor all of us: Justiceconsiders an editorial process of two to three months, taking into account the stages of reception, evaluation and confirmation of publication. The editor of the magazine reserves the right to distribute in the different issues of the magazineFor all of us: Justicethe texts evaluated according to the requirements of each edition; These will generally be guided by thematic criteria.

3.6. Authors must submit three declarations with the article: a) Metadata and Biodata Declaration; b) Originality Declaration; y c) Open Science Declaration.

3.7. In addition, authors should submit the text of their article using the manuscript submission template.

  1. Rules for citing references in the body of the article

Papers submitted must comply with the following reference standards according to the seventh edition of thePublication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2019).

4.1. Single author text

All quotes, whether textual or paraphrased, must have a reference at the end, which is the information that will help the reader to know the source from which the quote was taken. This reference will be indicated at the end of the citation, noting the author's last name in parentheses, followed by the year of publication and the page number:

"We need to rethink the model of a prison surveillance judge, because this is not an administrative issue, the execution of the courts is part of the jurisdictional power and we have to see role models" (San Martín, 2017, p. 38).

However, when the author's name is mentioned before the citation is inserted, it will no longer be necessary to include their last name in the parenthetical reference:

Judge César San Martín (2017) proposes that "We need to rethink the model of a prison surveillance judge, because this is not an administrative issue, the execution of the courts is part of the jurisdictional power and we have to see role models" ( p.38).

If the cited author has more than one text in the references, the year of publication identifies the cited text. And if there is a coincidence of author and year, the reference is identified by means of a lowercase letter (a, b, etc.):

«According to paragraph 1 of article 28 of the Political Constitution of Peru, the State guarantees the right to freedom of association. This guarantee is manifested not only in the protection of leaders against anti-union acts, but also in the recognition of certain prerogatives so that said leaders can effectively exercise their representation activity, as well as in facilities for the operation of the organization. union. Among these facilities are the union license or permit and the union fee” (Arévalo, 2019a, p. 94).

«In Roman law, a distinction was made between the leasing of things and the leasing of services. By the lease of things(rental lease of property) The landlord promised to grant the driver the temporary enjoyment of a movable thing (animals and slaves were included) or immovable property, in exchange for which he received a money income called wages» (Arévalo, 2019b, p. 23).

4.2. Text by two authors

If the quoted text has two authors, their surnames will be separated by the conjunction "and".

Likewise, for this oral civil process to be viable, it is essential that the organization of judicial offices be changed or varied from the traditional model that exists to date. Indeed, organizationally, in this type of oral proceedings, as has been said, the central milestone is no longer the file, but the hearing; therefore, the resources of the Court must be placed based on the most effective and efficient organization of the hearing” (Bustamante and Angulo, 2020, p. 34).

4.3. Multiple author text

If the cited text is from three, four or five authors, place the last name of all the authors the first time the reference appears. In subsequent citations, include the last name of the first author followed by the abbreviation et al. (without italics and with period afteral):

“Until not long ago, one of the fundamental questions about public international law was whether it was indeed a law and whether it could be the subject of scientific investigation. For example, and to name just two classic works on the philosophy of law, Kelsen (2017 [1960], pp. 554-558) opens his chapter VII on the State and international law of thepure theory of law(second edition) and so Hart (1994, pp. 212-216) also begins chapter X on international law inThe concept of law» (Lucas, Tijmes, Salassa y Sommer, 2019, p. 388).

«Being clear about the existence of international law has facilitated (and probably has encouraged) directing the gaze from the core of the discipline towards its borders and limits. We are clear that it is right and perhaps that is why we are wondering if that answer will not be too categorical. Public international law is law, but is it just law? Is it an exclusively legal phenomenon? And from the previous questions: what are the methodological frontiers for research on international law?» (Lucas et al., 2019, p. 389).

4.4. Text by an institutional author

If the cited text does not contain the name of the author, the name of the institution or entity responsible for the publication will be placed:

In the case of first and second instance judicial appointments, these were "ratified by the Supreme Court every five years" (Congress of the Republic, 1929, articles 148 and 152).

«Although the higher jurisdictional plenary sessions began in the 1990s, it will be from the present century, that they will have regularity and vocation of permanence in practice. For the first time, plenary sessions have been organized exclusively on contentious administrative, commercial matters and commercial sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents” (Poder Judicial, 2012, p. 19).

«The autograph manuscript “Russia before the Second Five-Year Plan (1932-1933)”, by the Peruvian writer César Abraham Vallejo Mendoza, is declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation» (El Peruano, 2019, p. 17).

4.5. How to insert the quotes

If the literal citation is less than five lines long, it will be indicated with quotation marks and it will be incorporated as part of the text.

El Presidente del Poder Judicial, en su Mensaje al Perú, anunció que «está en marcha un proyecto para área verde en la azotea de este Palacio de Justicia que antes era depósito de chatarra, así como la instalación del primer Panel Solar en el Poder Judicial» (Rodríguez, 2017, p. 26).

If the literal quotation is 40 words or more, it should be without quotation marks and in a separate paragraph, indented to the left:

El Presidente del Poder Judicial, en su Mensaje al Perú, anunció que:

está en marcha un proyecto para área verde en la azotea de este Palacio de Justicia que antes era depósito de chatarra, así como la instalación del primer Panel Solar en el Poder Judicial, que permitirá con energía limpia iluminar por lo menos la Presidencia de la Corte Suprema, siendo al mismo tiempo un mensaje a los jueces del Perú para que asuman la defensa del medio ambiente como bien jurídico y la salud de nuestro gran hogar que es el planeta Tierra (Rodríguez, 2017, pp. 26-29).

It is not necessary to use the ellipsis […] neither at the beginning nor at the end of the literal citation unless, in order to prevent a misinterpretation, it is required to emphasize that the quotation begins or begins in the middle of the sentence.

4.6. Citations of online material without pagination

All quotes from online texts must have a reference at the end, which is the information that will serve to know the source from which the quote was taken. This reference will be indicated at the end of the citation, noting the author's last name in parentheses, followed by the year of publication and the number of the paragraph, using the abbreviation (para.), since many electronic sources do not provide page numbers:

"The work that the Judiciary of Peru is doing on the Brasilia Rules deserves more than symbolic recognition, because its advances in terms of implementation and awareness of these rules place it at the forefront, at the forefront, being a benchmark for all Ibero-American countries» (Martínez, 2020, para. 3).

In cases where the online text has many paragraphs, you can include the subtitle of the text in parentheses, in order to direct the reader to the location of the quoted text more precisely:

«That the Judiciary legitimize itself socially and that for this reason its structures be transformed is something that the country demands and looks forward to, almost as if it were looking for a reformer who would nail 95 theses to the doors of the Palace that express their fury and despair, but also their hope in the essential change” (Calderón, 2020, “El necesario cambio”, para. 4).

4.7. Paraphrase the summary

If the quote is not literal and the idea is paraphrased or summarized, it is recommended to indicate the page or paragraph number, as this information will help an interested reader to locate the relevant fragment of a long text.

Literal quote example:

The president of the Judiciary, in his Message to Peru, announced that "a project for a green area on the roof of this Palace of Justice, which was previously a junkyard, is underway, as well as the installation of the first Solar Panel in the Judiciary » (Rodriguez, 2017, p. 26).

Example of paraphrasing:

The president of the Judiciary, in his Message to Peru, affirmed that the first solar panel will be implemented in the Palace of Justice (Rodríguez, 2017, p. 26).

  1. List of final references

At the end of the article, only the references cited in the writing of your text should be included, organized alphabetically. If two or more texts by the same author were cited, they will be ordered by antiquity, starting with the oldest text. And in the event that two or more texts by an author published in the same year are cited, these will be differentiated with the letters a, b, c, etc., after the year of publication:

Tello, J. (2019a). Unique interview for girls, boys and adolescents in the Gesell cameras. In Tello, J. and Calderón, C. (eds.),Protection and access to justice for children and adolescents. 30 years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child (pp. 239-256)Permanent Commission for Access to Justice for Vulnerable People and Justice in your Community; Publishing Fund of the Judiciary.

Tello, J. (2019b). Right to equal treatment and to start a family for LGTBQI people. In Tello, J. and Calderón, C. (eds.), Access to justice: discrimination and violence based on gender(pp. 115-130)Permanent Commission for Access to Justice for Vulnerable People and Justice in your Community; Publishing Fund of the Judiciary.

5.1. How to cite a book

5.1.1. Printed book

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Title (after the title, include any editing information in parentheses, no italics.) Editorial.

Narváez, J.R. (2016).The judges in the cinema. The administration of justice and argumentation in the seventh art.Editorial Fund of the Judiciary; Ibero-American Film & Law Network.

5.1.2. Electronic version of printed book

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Title.URL

Narváez, J.R. (2016). The judges in the cinema. The administration of justice and argumentation in the seventh art.https://www.pj.gob.pe/wps/wcm/connect/3fdd98004f2f29918bd4abecaf96f216/Los+jueces+en+el+cine.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

5.1.3. Exclusively electronic book

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Title. URL

Garcia, P. (2016). The fight against organized crime in Peru: the persecution of criminal assets, money laundering and criminal liability of legal persons. https://www.pj.gob.pe/wps/wcm/connect/23a7af004a5258018bdbffb1377c37fd/La-lucha-contra-la-criminalidad-organizada-en-el-Per%C3%BA_compressed.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

5.2. How to cite a book chapter

5.2.1. Printed book chapter

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Article title. In Surname, initials of the names of the editor (ed.), the compiler (comp.) or the coordinator (coord.), Title of the book (pagination of the article). Editorial.

Ramos, C. (2018). justice inThe World is wide and distant. . . . In Tavara, F. (ed.), Ciro Alegría: legal sieges (pp. 25-59)Publishing Fund of the Judiciary.

5.2.2. Electronic version

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Article title. In Surname, initials of the names of the editor (ed.), the compiler (comp.) or the coordinator (coord.),Title of the book (pagination of the article). URL

San Martin, C. (2017). Judges and citizen security. In Judiciary (ed.),V, VI, VII, VIII and IX National Congresses of Judges (pp. 33-39). https://www.pj.gob.pe/wps/wcm/connect/f7ba0b0043b73730a3e9afd60181f954/V%2C+VI%2C+VII%2C+VIII+Y+IX+CONGRESOS+NACIONALES+DE+JUECES.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

5.3. How to cite a journal article

5.3.1. Article in a print magazine

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Article title. Magazine title, volume(number), pagination of the article without including the abbreviationpp.

Ramirez, N. (2010). The review of constitutional sentences. Peruvian Journal of Public Law, 11(21), 57-90.

5.3.2. Article in an online magazine

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Article title.Magazine title, volume(number), pagination of the article without including the abbreviation pp. URL

Atienza, M. (2020). García Amado and moral objectivism. By the law itself. Magazine of the Superior Court of Justice of Lambayeque, (50), 24-42. https://www.pj.gob.pe/wps/wcm/connect/40edc7004f0dcfc696fdb76976768c74/IPSO+JURE+50+-+Versi%C3%B3n+final.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=40edc7004f0dcfc696fdb76976768c74

5.3.3. Article in a journal with DOI

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Article title. Magazine title, volume(number), pagination of the article without including the abbreviation pp. doi

Bustamante, R. A. and Angulo, D. F. A. (2020). Orality in the civil process. A reality gestated by the civil judges of Peru themselves. Official Magazine of the Judiciary. Investigative Body of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Peru, 11(13), 19-40. two: 10.35292/ropj.v11i13.38.

5.4. How to cite a newspaper article

5.4.1. Printed version

Last name, initials of the author's names (year, day and month). Article title. Name of the newspaper, page excluding abbreviation p. o pp.

Pattern, C. (1999, December 4). Adolescent crisis of the Civil Code. Trade, B-3.

5.4.2. Electronic version

Last name, initials of the author's names (year, day and month). Article title. Name of the newspaper. URL

Encinas, A. (2017, December 28). Ethics in legal practice.Official Gazette El Peruano. https://elperuano.pe/noticia-la-etica-la-practica-juridica-62493.aspx

5.5. How to cite a thesis

5.5.1. Unpublished business thesis

Last name, initials of the author's names (year). Title [Doctoral thesis, master's thesis or bachelor's thesis]. University.

Paredes, C. A. (2002). I exempt her from insurmountable fear in the CodePeruvian criminal law of 1991, its application by the courts and criminal chambers of Junín[PhD thesis]. National University of San Marcos.

5.5.2. Theses online

  • Last name, initials of the author's names (year).Title[Doctoral thesis, master's thesis or bachelor's thesis, university]. url

Beltrán, J. A. (2001).The possibility of recognizing a single cause system for the transfer of real estate property in the Civil Code of 1984[Master's thesis, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru]. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12404/1095

5.6. How to cite records

5.6.1. Printed version

Name of the institutional author (year). Name and number of the file-year-code of the court and any additional descriptive information. Superior Court of Justice or Judicial District: date of sentence.

Judiciary (2015). File no. 03671-2015-0-1801-JP-CI-08. Lima: May 6, 2015.

5.6.2. Electronic version

Name of the institutional author (year). Name and number of the file-year-code of the court and any additional descriptive information. Superior Court of Justice or Judicial District: date of sentence. url

Constitutional Court (2015). File no. 08238-2013-PHD/TC-Lambayeque. Lima: May 6, 2015. https://www.tc.gob.pe/jurisprudencia/2015/08238-2013-HD.pdf

5.7. How to cite resolutions

5.7.1. Printed version

Name of the institutional author (year). Name and number of the resolution-year-code of the court and any additional descriptive information. Superior Court of Justice or Judicial District: resolution date.

Judicial Power (2013). Administrative Resolution No. 120- 2013-P-PJ. Lima: April 12, 2013.

Ministry of Justice (1993). Ministerial Resolution No. 010-93-JUS, Consolidated Text of the Civil Procedure Code. Lima: April 23, 1993.

5.7.2. Electronic version

Name of the institutional author (year). Name and number of the resolution-year-code of the court and any additional descriptive information. Superior Court of Justice or Judicial District: resolution date. url.

The Judiciary (2018). Administrative Resolution n.o 335-2018-EC-PJ. Lima: December 19, 2018. RA-335-2018-EC-PJ. https://www.pj.gob.pe/wps/wcm/connect/0b34e5004ce9dbde9e7affe93f7fa794/RA-335-2018-CE-PJ.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=0b34e

5.8. How to cite cassations, orders, decrees, laws and other legal texts

5.8.1. Printed version

Name of the institutional author (year). Name and number of the cassation, of the order, of the decree or of the law and any additional descriptive information. Superior Court of Justice or Judicial District: date of the appeal, the order, the decree or the law.

Judiciary (2015). Cassation no. 3671-2014-Lima. Lima: November 5, 2015.

5.8.2. Electronic version

Name of the institutional author (year). Name and number of the cassation, of the order, of the decree or of the law and any additional descriptive information. Superior Court of Justice or Judicial District: date of publication of the law. url

Congress of the Republic (2017). Law No. 30709. Law that prohibits wage discrimination between men and women. Lima: December 27, 2017. https://www.leyes.congreso.gob.pe/Documentos/2016_2021/ADLP/Normas_Legales/30709-LEY.pdf

5.9. How to cite audiovisual media and social networks

5.9.1. Movie

Last name, initials of the names of the director (director). (year).Movie title.[Movie]. Producer.

Lumet, S. (director). (1996). The dark side of justice.[Movie]. Paramount Pictures.

5.9.2. Documentary film

Last name, initials of the names of the director (director). (year).documentary title. [Documentary film]. Producer. If there are several production companies, separate them with a semicolon.

Ramos, M.A. (director). (2004).Justice.[Documentary]. Selfmade Films; Limit Productions; NPS Television.

5.9.3. Interview

Surname, initials of the names of the interviewer (interviewer). (year, day and month). Title of the interview [Interview]. InProgram title.Broadcast medium. url

RPP News (interviewer) (2020, July 25). Pilar Mazzetti: The numbers of COVID-19 "will continue to increase". [Interview]. InThe Rotating Air.Radio Programs of Peru. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xK4YDbT-gc

5.9.4. Podcast

Surname, initials of the names of the producer (producer) (year, day and month). Podcast title [Audio in podcast]. Inprogram title. Broadcast medium. url

Carvallo, F. (producer) (2020, July 24). The Comptroller's Office against impunity [Audio in podcast]. InThings as they are. Radio Programs of Peru. https://rpp.pe/audio/podcast/lascosascomoson

5.9.5. Video on YouTube

Last name, initials of the author. (year, day and month).video title[Video]. In Broadcast Source. url

Lama, H. (2017, August 7).Implementation and Operation of the Electronic Judicial File. [Video conference]. In the Virtual Classroom of the Judiciary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6YiExoKW3U


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