Llapanchikpaq: Justicia

Magazine of the Permanent Commission of Access to Justice for People in Conditions of Vulnerability and Justice in your Community of the Judiciary of Peru

ISSN: 2709-6491(Online) DOI:10.51197/lj



The journal "Llapanchikpaq: Justicia" is a biannual publication. It is published by the Poder Judicial de la República del Perú, through its Centro de Investigaciones Judiciales, by the Comisión Permanente de Acceso a la Justicia de Personas en Condición de Vulnerabilidad y Justicia en tu Comunidad.



Disseminate unpublished articles that are the result of studies and academic research, carried out by judges, university professors, professionals and the international and national legal community, on the updated, systematic and comparative interpretation of good practices, emblematic sentences and the different legal norms that make up the body of positive law on Human Rights, the Rules of Brasilia and access to justice for vulnerable groups.



Consolidate knowledge of legal science and justice systems, through the publication of unpublished and quality legal research regarding compliance with the Brasilia Rules, internationally and nationally.



Being a benchmark for legal research on the application of the Brasilia Rules among the countries of the Ibero-American region.


Focus and scope

The Magazine "Llapanchikpaq: Justicia" of the Permanent Commission for Access to Justice for Persons in Conditions of Vulnerability and Justice in your Community of the Judiciary of Peru is a semi-annual publication whose main objective is to disseminate unpublished articles that are the result of studies and research on legal issues related to Human Rights and the Brasilia Rules.

The magazine receives the collaborations of the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic, as well as the works of national and foreign judges, and researchers on law and justice, university professors and professionals interested in their own issues. of academic reflection on access to justice, the Brasilia Rules and legal research.

The journal's articles are anonymously refereed by specialists from outside the institution, who take into account the following evaluation criteria: originality, work contribution, topicality, and contribution to legal knowledge. The journal reserves the right of publication and, in the event that the submitted article is accepted, it may make the style corrections and other adjustments necessary to meet the requirements of the publication.



Articles concerning investigations on Human Rights, the Brasilia Rules and access to justice for vulnerable groups, such as: girls, boys and adolescents; older adults; People with disabilities; native peoples, peasant, native and Afro-descendant communities; victims of discrimination and/or violence based on gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity and diversity; migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons; deprived of liberty, and people in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty.

Cultural, social and economic relevance

The Magazine "Llapanchikpaq: Justicia" is characterized by disseminating articles on legal investigations related to the application of Human Rights and the Rules of Brasilia. This contributes to improving the implementation of the rules, as well as international standards for the protection of fundamental rights, from the perspective of rights, children, gender, interculturality and disability.

In the same way, the journal collaborates with the publication of researchers' works at an international and national level, guaranteeing the production, distribution and reuse of knowledge in the field of legal sciences.



The magazine has a biannual publication frequency. Its issues are published between January-June and July-December.


Editorial process and editorial flow

Articles submitted to the journal are pre-screened by the editorial team, who decide whether the article can be accepted, rejected or if it requires modifications in content. Their decision will be based on the objectives and standards of the journal. Likewise, the percentage of similarity of the manuscripts is reviewed in Turnitin and the respective report is generated. Manuscripts selected for publication are then submitted to blind peer reviewers, as detailed in the reviewer policy. Authors receive the reports through the platform and are given a deadline for comments and scopes. The new versions are sent to the reviewers and new Turnitin reports are issued. After the editorial decision, the team contacts the authors to submit the work to the proofreading team, which obtains the clean version to be sent to the layout team. Once the authors' approvals have been obtained, the publications are registered with DOI and the metadata is completed. Finally, the phase of dissemination and thanks to authors, reviewers and readers begins, and the editorial flow is developed in the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gMIu0_ENoZl8PA3BA1FVGDrqbDFdKqoc/view


Peer Review

The articles of the journal are refereed under the double-blind review modality, in which the evaluators external to the institution do not know the data of the authors at the time of the review. The reviewers, at the time of the review, take into account the following evaluation criteria: originality, contribution of the work, timeliness and contribution to legal knowledge. The journal reserves the right of publication and, if the article submitted is accepted, it may make the necessary style corrections and other adjustments to meet the requirements of the publication (read more).


Section policy

The contents published by the journal are structured in a single section (see “Rules for authors”). Thearesearch articles:includes investigations of a theoretical, methodological, empirical approach, case studies, with a minimum length of 15 pages (6,000 words) and a maximum of 30 pages (12,000 words).


Open access policy

The magazine Llapanchikpaq: Justicia. Revista de la Comisión Permanente de Acceso a la Justicia de Personas en Condición de Vulnerabilidad y Justicia en tu Comunidad del Poder Judicial del Perú is a biannual publication, whose main objective is the dissemination of unpublished and original articles that are the result of studies and research on legal issues related to human rights and the Brasilia Rules. To meet this objective, each issue of the journal is published through open access and is available for free consultation from the first issue. Likewise, no fee is charged for the submission or processing of articles.

Authors who submit their articles to the journal Llapanchikpaq: Justicia, by sending their work, authorize the publication and public dissemination of their text in digital and printed format; retain their copyrights and register under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which allows the use of the published material (adapt - remix, transform and build - and share - copy and redistribute - the material in any medium or format).

When articles are published on the journal's website, they will be included in its databases and indexing systems. In addition, the journal will undertake to socialize the content of recent issues through the various social networks of the Peruvian Judicial Branch, so that they can be widely disseminated in the national and international legal community.



The authors retain their copyrights and register under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which allows the use of the published material (adapt - remix, transform and build - and share - copy and redistribute - the material in any medium or format).

  • The journal allows authors to retain the copyright of their published articles without any restrictions.
  • The authors grant the Journal "Llapanchikpaq: Justicia" the non-exclusive publishing rights for the publication of the approved manuscripts.
  • The journal only reserves the rights of the first publication, but this does not imply that the authors lose their copyright without restriction.


Publication charges

The Magazine “For All: Justice” does not charge any charges for the reception, evaluation and publication of articles or APC (article processing charges).



The magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a storage system. It also favors the creation of archives in the magazine with the aim of conservation and restoration.


Response time

Authors receive a response on average after sixteen (16) weeks from the submission of the manuscript (Source: DOAJ).


Acceptability rate

The acceptance rate of articles by number is over 90%. The journal publishes a minimum number of articles per issue (ascending to seven) and a maximum (ascending to twenty).


Journal funding sources

The journal's publication model is based on its open access policy and in accordance with Law No. 30035 makes its content available to the academic community, therefore, through its online platform:

  • It is available immediately, at no cost.
  • No registration or subscription required for access to full texts.
  • There are no subscription or registration charges for readers.
  • There is no charge for item processing.

To achieve these ends, theMagazine“For All: Justice” is funded entirely by the Peruvian Judiciary as the publishing entity.


Anti-plagiarism policy

The journal evaluates the articles with the Turnitin® system, in order to detect coincidences, similarities or plagiarism of works. The editorial team informs authors of the Turnitin® results. In cases of suspected plagiarism or improper practices, the committee may decide to reject the request to submit the manuscript for publication.

During the review process or after publication, in the event that ethical breaches are detected, the journal will act in accordance with the suggestions provided by the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors (COPE). The retraction of the article or the future prohibition of the manuscript can be decided. You can also contact the respective authorities and notify other journals of the case if so decided.



In line with the Budapest Initiative for open access, the journal supports the policy ofNo CPA(No Charge for Article Processing), open access policies and DOAJ good editorial practices for open access scientific journals, making published content available to all its readers and accepting manuscripts based strictly on their scholarly quality. The journal does not charge for evaluation, proofreading, design and layout, and publication or any other work required to publish and provide the article to its readers.


Norm I40C

The journal citations comply with the I4OC Standards, being separable, structured and open.



The Judiciary of Peru through the Permanent Commission for Access to Justice for People in Vulnerable Conditions and the technical assistance of the Editorial Fund of the Judiciary.

Conflict of interest

In the event of a conflict of interest, the author must declare it in the Letter of Originality sent to the journal at the time the manuscript is submitted. Conflicts of interest not declared at the evaluation stage will be subject to clarificatid, the article will be retracted from the journal and an explanation of the decision will be included in accordance with the COPE ethical principles to which the journal subscribeson by the author when contacted by the Editorial Team of the journal. If the explanation is not satisfactory, the manuscript will be withdrawn from the editorial process. In the case of research that has already been publishe.

Instructions on financing

The author should indicate the source of funding related to the work to be published. In the case of funding, the author should record the following: "The research was carried out with funding from .... in the framework of the research project..." or "Self-financed"; or, otherwise, "The research was carried out without financing" or ""The research was not financed".

CRediT - Taxonomy of Academic Collaboration Roles

The journal is committed to promoting transparency and appropriate recognition of individual contributions to legal research. In line with this initiative, we have implemented the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) to clearly identify and attribute contributors' responsibilities in each of our articles, reduce disputes among authors, and encourage scholarly participationWe understand that legal research frequently involves collaborative work in which several individuals play diverse roles. Therefore, we have adopted the Credit to provide a more complete picture of who has contributed and to what extent to each article published in our journal.

Below are the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) role categories we use [1]:

  1. Conceptualization: Ideas; formulation or evolution of overall research objectives and goals.
  2. Data Curation: Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), clean data, and maintain research data (including software code, when necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and subsequent reuse.
  3. Formal analysis: Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize the study data.
  4. Acquisition of funding: Acquisition of financial support for the project that has given rise to this publication.
  5. Research: Conducting a search and research process, specifically conducting experiments or data collection/testing.
  6. Methodology: Development or design of methodology; creation of models.
  7. Project administration: Management responsibility and coordination of the planning and execution of research activities.
  8. Resources: Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory specimens, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analytical tools.
  9. Software: Programming, software development; design of computer programs; implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.
  10. Supervision: Supervisory and leadership responsibility for planning and execution of research activity, including mentoring external to the core team.
  11. Validation: Verification, as part of the activity or separately, of the overall explanation/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research products.
  12. Visualization: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work, specifically visualization/presentation of data.
  13. Writing - original draft: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing of the initial draft (including translation of the original draft).
  14. Writing - reviewing and editing: Preparation, creation and/or presentation of published work by members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or revision, including pre- or post-publication phases.

These categories are used in our articles to indicate the contribution of each contributor. Each author is assigned to one or more of these roles, depending on his or her actual participation in the research project. This ensures that each individual's work is properly recognized and encourages fair and transparent collaboration in the legal community.

We encourage our authors and contributors to be aware of the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (Credit) and to use it to describe their contribution in the articles they submit to our journal. This will help our readers to better understand the authorship of each paper and to recognize the diversity of roles in legal research.

We are committed to maintaining high standards of transparency and recognition in the publication of legal research and hope that this initiative will benefit the academic community and justice in general.For more information about the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (Credit) or how to use it in your contributions, please do not hesitate to contact our editorial team.

[1] Translated from CRediT.


Article submission template

Authors should submit the text of their article using the manuscript submission template.
